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Coastal Sailing Immersion — Big Island, Hawaii

Paul Exner’s 3-Day Coastal Immersion is an incredible opportunity for anyone wanting “real” exposure to what it’s like to live aboard a sailboat immersed on a voyage to anywhere!

Hawaii is a fantastic venue for this expedition because the sailing conditions in Hawaii offer a variety of opportunities — the oceanography here is perfect for learning applied-seamanship as a management system … not as a collection of isolated skills!

You’ll sail the Hawaiian Islands and learn Paul Exner’s Autonomous Full-Stack approach to “sailing” — a proven approach that teaches you how to align EVERYTHING you know, sense, and think about skipper-level action and decision-making — you’ll (literally) learn how to go-anywhere by sail.


Live aboard a sailboat in Hawaii — learn to go anywhere.


You will learn to analyze your surroundings and plan routes based on that analysis — the routes you create will then guide us to sail challenging passages and make landfalls at remote Hawaiian anchorages.


Align everything you know, sense, and think about skipper-level action and decision-making — in doing so you’ll (literally) go-anywhere by sail.

Paul Exner’s Autonomous Full-Stack Approach (TM)

Exner believes that great sailors are good at everything: navigation, piloting, helming, vessel operation, log keeping, anchoring, sail trim, mechanical and electric systems, rigging, marlinspike, legal regulations, seamanship management, haul-out & land-storage systems — they also have a working knowledge of yacht design & construction.

If you want to develop sailing-autonomy for yourself, this live-aboard sailing opportunity is for you. You’ll begin with your experience and skill as it stands in the moment, and learn to call upon it — Paul Exner will personally coach you and help develop your sailing ability to its fullest (guaranteed).

You will learn to go-anywhere by sail.

SAIL COGNITIVELY (TM) … Glean “seamanship awareness” by observing a multitude of stimulus and information coming at you. From your analysis of what’s happening around you, you’ll become proficient at making safe and sound decisions affecting your crew and vessel at sea.

Sailing Immersion — Hawaii is an opportunity to learn a master-level approach to sailing that Paul Exner has created: The Autonomous Full-Stack Approach For Master Sailors (TM). This approach is proven to strongly emphasize the nuance of living aboard a sailboat on a 24/7 basis. You learn to confidently plan and make passages and see first-hand what a well prepared live-aboard sailboat looks like — you’ll gain skills you can use again and again — you’ll learn a powerful method to (literally) go-anywhere by sail.

Accelerate Your Dream — SAIL NOW!


WAIT LIST … Jan. 26-28, 2023

CLICK HERE — to talk w/ Paul about this expedition

DEPART and RETURN … Kona, Hawaii (KOA)

Earlier Event: December 24
Live Aboard Sailing — Hawaii
Later Event: February 26
Offshore Sailing — Hawaiian Islands