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Live Aboard Sailing — Hawaii

SV Solstice (Cape George Cutter 31) making passage on a close-reach.

Paul Exner’s Live Aboard Sailing Expedition is a perfect opportunity to experience what it’s like to live aboard a sailboat on a sailing voyage — and, get hands-on sail-training at the same time.

Hawaii is a fantastic destination to practice live-aboard sailing because you’ll get to sail a wide variety of conditions that Hawaii-sailing is known for — the weather around Hawaii is influenced by high volcanos, tropical winds, and deep waters; this offers a variety of sailing conditions, making Hawaii a great place to learn applied-seamanship!

You’ll live aboard full time for 7-days and learn Paul Exner’s Autonomous Full-Stack approach to sailing — apply everything you know, sense, and think to make skipper-level decisions.

You’ll also be fully immersed in everything it takes to live-aboard 24/7: anchoring, weather interpretation, navigation, gear organization — all topics covered given the time constraint of 7-days at sea.


Experience Life — Living Aboard.

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Understand your surroundings and plan routes based on that analysis — the routes you’ll create will guide us to sail challenging passages and make landfalls at remote Hawaiian anchorages.

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Align everything you know, sense, and think about skipper-level action and decision-making — in doing so you’ll (literally) go-anywhere by sail.

Paul Exner’s Autonomous Full-Stack Approach (TM)

Great sailors are good at everything: navigation, piloting, helming, vessel operation, log keeping, anchoring, sail trim, mechanical and electric systems, rigging, marlinspike, legal regulations, seamanship management, haul-out & land-storage systems — they also have a working knowledge of yacht design & construction.

If you want to develop sailing-autonomy, this live-aboard sailing opportunity is for you. Paul Exner will coach you one-on-one, helping you develop your sailing ability to its fullest.

SAIL COGNITIVELY (TM) … Learn seamanship awareness by observing a multitude of info coming at you. From your analysis of what’s happening around you, you’ll become proficient at making safe and sound decisions that ultimately affect the wellbeing of your crew and vessel.

Live Aboard — Hawaii Sailing is an opportunity to learn a master-level approach to sailing that Paul Exner has created: The Autonomous Full-Stack Approach For Master Sailors (TM). This approach emphasizes how to live aboard a sailboat on a 24/7 basis. Learn to confidently plan and make passages; see first-hand what a well prepared live-aboard sailboat looks like — learn a powerful method to sail anywhere.

Accelerate Your Dream — SAIL NOW!


PHOTO: Autonomous Full-Stack, Master Sailor — Paul Exner aboard his self-built SV Solstice, built from a bare hull (Cape George 31) — a ten-year project completed by Paul Exner from stem to stern — now sailing the ocean waters of Hawaii.

ONE BERTH AVAILABLE … May 20-26, 2023

DEPART and RETURN … Kona, Hawaii (KOA)