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Offshore Sailing — Hawaiian Islands


Skill and experience isn’t enough.

If you’re not growing as a sailor it’s either because: 1) you’re not challenging yourself outside familiar waters; or, 2) the methods you use are poorly contrived.

When you go anywhere by sail — you rely upon your skill and experience to keep you afloat — and you use your instincts to help you navigate troubled waters.

SAILING is a “practice” that’s honed by maturity; the same is true for any professional discipline like business, medicine, law, or entrepreneurship.

To truly master SAILING — you must practice while surrounded by diverse conditions and use methods to ensure success.

Offshore Sailing in Hawaii with Paul Exner

Hawaii offers the sailor a full-spectrum of sailing conditions every week of the year. When you sail Hawaii with Paul Exner you learn applied-SAILING as a management system that considers all aspects of your seamanship experience: from technical artistry to practical decision-making — you learn methods to derive complete solutions to naturally occurring seamanship scenarios.

Paul Exner helps you sharpen your decision-making ability. By sailing offshore passages between the Hawaiian Islands with Paul you align everything you know, sense, and think about skipper-level awareness, judgement, and action.

Practice sailing in Hawaii — apply methods that help you manage dynamic conditions:

  • Plan advanced routes based on weather analysis that guides you to sail challenging interisland passages.

  • Interpret the influence that volcanic mountains have on Trade Winds.

  • Experience what it’s like to sail in the middle of the Pacific Ocean where weather-fronts and tropical conditions create a labyrinth of wind around high-and-low pressure systems interrupted by snow-capped volcanoes.

  • Make landfall at anchorages of solitude surrounded by coral reefs and lava rock — often under the darkness of night.

  • Sail a sophisticated oceanographic world where deep water abruptly meets island shores.


Seamanship Management System by Paul Exner — Autonomous Full-Stack Approach to Sailing®️

Paul Exner believes Master Sailors are good at everything (Full-Stack) — they possess methods to put everything together while operating a sailboat at sea. This notion literally helps you go anywhere by sail.

Awareness, cognition, application … First, Master Sailors become aware of their situation at sea, then cognizant of the situation’s impact to the vessel and crew — next, by drawing upon the entirety of their experience they analyze various options — finally, the Master Sailor takes appropriate safe-action guided by SAILING fundamentals and using proven seamanship methods.

Action — is rarely simple and never requires one step. Instead, Master Sailors judge multiple options and take action to connect a sequence of steps that consider inter-related factors.

The disciplines of Autonomous Full-Stack®️ — Master Sailors: navigate; pilot; helm; operate their vessel; keep a log; anchor; trim a sail; understand technology, mechanical and electric systems; rig a mast and sails; apply marlinspike seamanship; repair sails and everything aboard their boat; follow legal regulations; provision; manage heavy weather; motor-sail; manage crew and vessel; haul-out & store their vessel — Master Sailors also have a working knowledge of yacht design & construction methods.


Sail Cognitively®️

Obtain SAILING awareness — observe a multitude of stimulus and information coming at you — analyze what’s happening around you to proficiently make safe and sound decisions affecting your crew and vessel at sea.

Take your sailing to the cognitive level.

Under spinnaker at night, keeping watch single-handedly in mid-Pacific Ocean while the off-watch crew sleeps — Ryan Bradfield sails for speed to make distance ahead of a Tropical Cyclone forming astern of us days before Hurricane Season begins in the Eastern Pacific.


Sail Autonomously®️

Advance yourself and use a master-level approach to SAILING called: Autonomous Full-Stack®️. Learn to confidently plan and make passages; learn to prepare yourself and your vessel to sail with realistic expectations, relevant skills, proven methods, and literally go anywhere by sail.

Seize the opportunity.



Offshore Sailing — Hawaii

ONE BERTH AVAILABLE … Feb. 26 - Mar. 7, 2023

Kailua-Kona, Hawaii Island