Paul Exner Modern Geographic Sailing Instruction.jpeg

You’re committed to sail.

Advanced sailing Instruction by Paul Exner for sailors seeking mastery.

“Masterful sailing is honed through preparedness-training — built upon a foundation of self-reliance and readiness — and, achieved only when one takes responsibility for their actions immersed in sea-experience.” Paul Exner


Learn a hands-on approach to sailing that helps you embark on any adventurous sailing-plan, no matter its level of complexity.

Gain total-readiness of boat and self — sail anywhere using advanced seamanship methodology that heightens your awareness of situations and uses your innate leadership talent.

Your coach: Paul Exner


Paul Exner has coached thousands of sailors and boat-owners — here’s what they say:


Hawaii Sailing Instruction


Sailing Coach

Expedition Leader

Paul Exner is a world class sailor, guru-level sailing instructor, curriculum author, boat builder, yacht re-fit expert, and cruising life-style coach. His methods are backed by numerous success stories. Paul’s methods are proven to get his clients off the dock to circumnavigate, or achieve sailing mastery aboard their own sailboat.